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Q&A: Is a settlement agreement considered a contract?

Question by shoe1diva: Is a settlement agreement considered a contract?
I sued this company several years back, and we settled the case. We also signed a settlement agreement. If a party violated the settlement agreement, can the be sued… Continue reading

Debt Management: Debt Settlement a SCAM?

Most debt consolidation companies do nothing better than simply ruin your fico score in order to settle your debt. If you really want to work with an agency that will help you reduce your debt, contact a company member of… Continue reading

Citi, Terra Firma held settlement talks: report

Citi, Terra Firma held settlement talks: report
Citigroup Inc and Terra Firma Capital Partners Ltd founder Guy Hands held settlement talks this week aimed at resolving a legal dispute over the 2007 sale of debt-laden music label EMI, the Wall… Continue reading