Trademark or Service Mark?
Question by LadyRed4u727: Trademark or Service Mark?
My Husband and I are going into business and are going to start a production company as well as publishing company.
Now we have both been reading up on it and trying… Continue reading
A good downloading service for music?
Question by smokemonsterjack: A good downloading service for music?
I am addicted to downloading music. It’s not the downloading part that is my addiction, it’s the music. I love music, and I don’t like to listen… Continue reading
How long does a business have to keep service contracts? i.e. telephone companies, cellular phone companies?
Question by Jon_E_Girl: How long does a business have to keep service contracts? i.e. telephone companies, cellular phone companies?
How long do they have to keep the signed contract on file? For example, I signed a service agreement 11… Continue reading
Amazon launches online media storage service
Amazon launches online media storage service Inc. wants to be more than a destination for shopping online: It also dreams of being a place where you can store…
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Amazon tunes out rivals with cloud-based music service
Amazon tunes out rivals with cloud-based music service
Amazon catapulted ahead of its digital music competitors by launching a music locker service late Monday.
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Global rock stars knockin’ on China’s door again
Bob Dylan’s first… Continue reading