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Ladies, do I seem datable/interesting?

Question by Dan L: Ladies, do I seem datable/interesting?
I ask because I’m 20 years old and have never had a girlfriend. I’m trying to figure out if there is something wrong with me or I just don’t try… Continue reading

does my dream seem foolish and un-accomplishable?

Question by Amber Peters: does my dream seem foolish and un-accomplishable?
So, im 13, and i absolutely love singing.and i swear, i can literally turn on any radio station, and sing along with the exact song that… Continue reading

Have you seem this?

Question by DJDangerIsLove♥: Have you seem this?
ABC is finally getting a piece of Disney’s “High School Musical” franchise. The network is developing a multi episode reality competition themed to the “High School Musical” concept, with a… Continue reading

Q&A: Does it seem realistic to get masters in both business and music?

Question by Silver Starz: Does it seem realistic to get masters in both business and music?
I’m currently still an undergraduate student in college, planning on getting a major in finance and minor in music. After I… Continue reading

Anybody can help me find a song that doesn’t seem to exist?

Question by Ronny: Anybody can help me find a song that doesn’t seem to exist?
I’ve been listening to this party CD and there’s this song, “Left to Right” by Milkman. It’s chorus is the famous “lalala” of Charlie… Continue reading