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Video game retailer GameStop details its push into digital delivery

Video game retailer GameStop details its push into digital delivery
The Grapevine-based company Thursday said sales from its digital division rose 61 percent to $ 290 million in 2010.
Read more on Dallas Morning News

The National ‘Win Win’ with… Continue reading

Q&A: How to become an online music retailer?

Question by maschneid: How to become an online music retailer?
Do any of the minds out there have a clue as to how you would go about starting an online business? I would like to sell… Continue reading

Q&A: I need to make a business plan for a online music retailer , what is the best way to go about doing this?

Question by bencasalino: I need to make a business plan for a online music retailer , what is the best way to go about doing this?
The website is Myspace meets itunes I can’t give really any details because… Continue reading

Q&A: As a music retailer, how do i contact music distribution companies to price and purchase music?

Question by mspatient: As a music retailer, how do i contact music distribution companies to price and purchase music?
I’m in the process of working on a business plan to possibly open a music store. I’m not sure how… Continue reading