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who was responsible for moving the music industry to atlanta?

Question by destinbury: who was responsible for moving the music industry to atlanta?
i love music and i live in atlanta georgia. How did the music industry get moved to atlanta? and who moved it here?

Best answer:

Answer… Continue reading

My mom can’t trust me with my life, how can I show her I’m responsible enough to make any desissions.?

Question by High school sucks: My mom can’t trust me with my life, how can I show her I’m responsible enough to make any desissions.?
Please no mean or unhelpful replies.

I want to be a singer… Continue reading

Besides creating the beat, what are producers responsible for, and what separates the good ones from the bad?

Question by Jerry: Besides creating the beat, what are producers responsible for, and what separates the good ones from the bad?
I always see people say _______ is a top ________ producer and I don’t get… Continue reading

in music law UK who is responsible for a contract when a company is taken over by another company

Question by solosailor: in music law UK who is responsible for a contract when a company is taken over by another company
I have sued a music company that was taken over by another company & licensed my music… Continue reading