Surprised by Hideki Matsui’s performance this year? Will he remain a Yankee after 2009?
Question by badhand: Surprised by Hideki Matsui’s performance this year? Will he remain a Yankee after 2009?
I mean the guy is a hitting machine this season. His contract is up after the 2009 season. Will… Continue reading
Disaster deepens: Nuclear plant in crisis; 30,000 people remain missing
Disaster deepens: Nuclear plant in crisis; 30,000 people remain missing
TOKYO — As bodies washed ashore by the hundreds and an emergency deepened at a coastal nuclear plant today, millions in Japan faced an unabating sense of apprehension, mourning and… Continue reading
Goldman resigns, will remain with RebFest
Goldman resigns, will remain with RebFest
Plans to pay former CSUN chief counsel from event budget Jon Goldman has resigned as CSUN chief counsel, but executives plan to continue paying him to consult on “RebFest,” the controversial music festival planned… Continue reading