Commercial Music Rights question?
Question by So.. Far.. Gone…: Commercial Music Rights question?
I live in a small town. I own a small business. I dont intend on going nationwide. Just pretty much stay in my area.
Do I… Continue reading
Q&A: A question for all wanna be known rappers (or anyone who raps)?
Question by C’ə$† Wa†? (½ sly, ½ fly): A question for all wanna be known rappers (or anyone who raps)?
If money and longevity wuz no object in getting a record contract, what record label who you… Continue reading
What’s with the constant question “Why is rap considered music”?
Question by gu3r1ll4: What’s with the constant question “Why is rap considered music”?
I don’t understand, according to the dictionary, music is defined as “an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through… Continue reading
Q&A: Legal music question?
Question by The Cat: Legal music question?
I need permission to distribute legal music, but what if the owner doesn’t respond in time I need it, or does that mean I’m still not aloud to?
And also, if you… Continue reading
Q&A: cash4gold business question?
Question by katrina t: cash4gold business question?
Note: My business name will not be CASH4GOLD, because that name already exists. I am preparing to open a business that I will be operating from my home within the… Continue reading