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Putting surplus water in the bank

Putting surplus water in the bank
The North Platte Telegraph A surplus of water in the North Platte River now could mean a valuable reserve of water later via the Ogallala Aquifer, in accordance with a recently-announced plan involving local… Continue reading

Why are Liberals opposed to Gov Christy putting Teachers on a 5 year contract and then evaluating them?

Question by Psycho Dave: Why are Liberals opposed to Gov Christy putting Teachers on a 5 year contract and then evaluating them?
Is it because they see what’s coming ALL OVER the country for them?

How… Continue reading

Putting Justin Bieber on the cover no MADdening decision by MAD magazine

Putting Justin Bieber on the cover no MADdening decision by MAD magazine
PHILADELPHIA – There is no doubt that Justin Bieber is everywhere.
Read more on The Canadian Press via Yahoo! Canada News

Justin Bieber on the cover? Are you… Continue reading

What are my options for putting music on an Xbox 360 with a mac?

Question by scooterbaga: What are my options for putting music on an Xbox 360 with a mac?
With my original xbox, I settled for burning CD-RWs and importing them one at a time. Please tell me there’s a better… Continue reading

Do u think putting my own instrumentals on youtube could help in becoming a professional music producer?

Question by : Do u think putting my own instrumentals on youtube could help in becoming a professional music producer?
do u think i have a strong chance of my videos becoming popular overtime or actually have… Continue reading