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Whirlpool profits, revenue up

music business plan
Image by rafeejewell
The holidays have been intense with RL and SL busy mode happening all at once! I hadn’t even started my shopping for gifts until yesterday! LOL! OMG!

Some great events and partys on the SL… Continue reading

Gazprom reports bumper 35bn dlr profits

Gazprom reports bumper 35bn dlr profits
Gazprom, the world’s biggest gas firm, on Thursday reported colossal profits for 2010 of over $ 35 billion, up 24 percent and reinforcing its status as a cornerstone of the Russian economy.
Read more… Continue reading

Drilling for Answers: Oil Company Profits, Runaway Prices and the Pursuit of Alternatives

Drilling for Answers: Oil Company Profits, Runaway Prices and the Pursuit of Alternatives – Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming – 2008-04-01 – On Tuesday, April 1, 2008, Chairman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) brought in top-level executives from… Continue reading

HMV warns on profits again as troubles mount

HMV warns on profits again as troubles mount
HMV, the troubled retail group, laid bare its deepening crisis yesterday by issuing its third profit warning in three months, as analysts said they expected its dire trading performance to add to… Continue reading

50. How to Set Trade Position Size for Maximum Profits A leIn yesterday’s lesson we talked about the martingale and anti martingale methods of trading which are the two categories which position sizing methodologies fall into. In today’s lesson we are going to talk about one of the most… Continue reading