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So Joe the Plumber is looking to get a recording contract? ?

Question by Sour Girl: So Joe the Plumber is looking to get a recording contract? ?
I am not making this up folks.

Now tell me what songs do you think will be on his CD?

Best answer:

Answer… Continue reading

Is anyone else starting to smell a rat with “Joe the Plumber”, a publicist? a recording contract? more..?

Question by A#1Grandma: Is anyone else starting to smell a rat with “Joe the Plumber”, a publicist? a recording contract? more..?
Now this guy has a publicist, a possibility of a recording contract, I heard rumors of a book,… Continue reading

Q&A: Why does Joe the Plumber have a publicist, a possible recording contract, and a book deal?

Question by Derek: Why does Joe the Plumber have a publicist, a possible recording contract, and a book deal?
Has he been “Palinized?”
Well, my boy is up by 101 electoral votes. Stings doesn’t it?… Continue reading