Address Book Online – your contacts in one place Ever needed a location for all your addresses, phone numbers, contacts. Using this simple to use site, you can store all your information in one place. Retrieve them whenever and wherever you are in the World ! Why not… Continue reading
I am a vocal director: how do I deal with a performer that tries to take my place?
Question by Mo Graf: I am a vocal director: how do I deal with a performer that tries to take my place?
I am a 13 year old vocal director for a kid’s and teen’s theater group. The choreographers… Continue reading
Kylie Minogue – Put Yourself In My Place (June 14 1998) Intimate and Live Tour
“Put Yourself In My Place” “Kylie Minogue” (June 14 1998) Intimate and Live Tour On 12/23/1987 Kylie Minogue’s recording career begins, when her cover version of the Little Eva hit The Loco-Motion spends seven weeks at number one in her… Continue reading
where is the best place to find a way in to the music business I wanna work in it while i go to school 4 music
Question by tim c: where is the best place to find a way in to the music business I wanna work in it while i go to school 4 music
Best answer:
Answer by gaz
Start with something simple…I… Continue reading
Place to sell digital copies of friends music?
Question by Dan: Place to sell digital copies of friends music?
Hey. I have a friend who is an extremely talented musician. I really wanna help her out. I’m going to make a page on Facebook, with links to… Continue reading