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LimeWire pays $105 million in music copyright case

LimeWire pays 5 million in music copyright case
The popular online file-sharing service LimeWire has agreed to pay $ 105 million to settle charges that it was a platform for music piracy.
Read more on AFP via Yahoo! News

Student… Continue reading

Private equity pays price of debt binge

Private equity pays price of debt binge
But hidden among the failures are some jewels, says Stuart Washington.
Read more on Brisbane Times

Japanese Stocks Rise Most in Two Weeks on U.S. Housing Starts
Japanese stocks advanced the most in… Continue reading

What job(s) pays the most?

Question by Brandon: What job(s) pays the most?
I have an MBA from Harvard Business School. However, I love the music industry and have a great ear for talent. I have a few choices for career.

1. Become an… Continue reading

I Work At JCPenney, But I Need A Job That Pays Better…?

Question by Michelle: I Work At JCPenney, But I Need A Job That Pays Better…?
I just turned 19 in September, and I am getting ready to go to SFC in Gainesville, FL in January as… Continue reading

Portugal pays heavily to borrow

Portugal pays heavily to borrow
LISBON/DUBLIN (Reuters) – A successful Portuguese debt sale on Friday did little to cull expectations it will soon join the euro zone bailout list, while Ireland’s credit rating was cut after bank …
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