Having trouble deciding between the iphone, samsung omnia, and HTC diamond?
Question by Stockman89: Having trouble deciding between the iphone, samsung omnia, and HTC diamond?
i have been doing research on these three phones in anticipation of my contract ending relatively soon and can not decide on a clear winner.… Continue reading
Q&A: HTC Dream vs Samsung Omnia vs Apple iphone 3Gs?
Question by teja: HTC Dream vs Samsung Omnia vs Apple iphone 3Gs?
I have an option of buying either one of these phones but im confused on which one is better. Right now these are the prices… Continue reading
Samsung i8910 HD Preview (Omnia HD) (Unboxing)
Sorry about the terrible quality, it’s the best I can do unfortunately. At least the sound didn’t cut out! For a sample of the video from the i8910HD, go here: www.youtube.com Rapidshare: rapidshare.com Pics of phone and box contents (bit… Continue reading