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Jesse – Myrna Rose “Soprano at the Piano”

American soprano Myrna Rose, a native of Athens, Georgia, took the United Kingdom by storm as a celebrity on BBC Television and Radio,singing solo performances with the BBC Orchestra for more than a decade in the British Isles, Near East,… Continue reading

If – Myrna Rose “Soprano at the Piano”

American soprano Myrna Rose, a native of Athens, Georgia, took the United Kingdom by storm as a celebrity on BBC Television and Radio,singing solo performances with the BBC Orchestra for more than a decade in the British Isles, Near East,… Continue reading

My Dearest Dear – Myrna Rose “Soprano at the Piano”

American soprano Myrna Rose, a native of Athens, Georgia, took the United Kingdom by storm as a celebrity on BBC Television and Radio,singing solo performances with the BBC Orchestra for more than a decade in the British Isles, Near East,… Continue reading