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Merry Christmas, Last minute Shopping

Last minute i had to go buy gifts for my nephews, Merry Christmas to you all This video is of me wishing everyone a merry Christmas and wrapping gifts for my nephews. the royalty free music is compose by Kevin… Continue reading

The Mangum Legal Minute: The Ramifications of Bullying

NC Music Factory
music publishing
Image by Justin Ruckman

The Mangum Legal Minute: The Ramifications of Bullying
*Bullying has consumed the lives of many teens and adults. A bully is defined as a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates… Continue reading

Can a landlord cancel the contract agreement at the last minute?

Question by miams: Can a landlord cancel the contract agreement at the last minute?
I already sign the contract papers for a 1 year lease with this apt, but the owner simply changed her mind at the last minute… Continue reading

Avi Greengart’s Last Minute, Non-Obvious Holiday Gift Guide 2010

Avi Greengart’s Last Minute, Non-Obvious Holiday Gift Guide 2010
First, a confession. This guide is always “last minute,” mostly because I get so busy covering all the new devices launched just in time for the holiday shopping season that I… Continue reading

Michael Jackson Tribute Ten minute Megamix

While I realize this is an exclusive copyright video remix, my intention is to NOT infringe on copyright policies. I wanted to post this as my own special way of remembering one of pop cultures biggest legends and legacies! This… Continue reading