Big-ticket military contracts unveiled in Aberdeen
Big-ticket military contracts unveiled in Aberdeen
Hundreds of business leaders packed into a Harford County auditorium Thursday with one aim: to get a piece of more than $ 25 billion — that’s billion with a “b” — in Army contracts… Continue reading
Breakdown of the Military (5 of 6) – Matt Howard
If you are a SERVICE MEMBER or VETERAN opposed to the wars, join IVAW today. Former Marine Matt Howard says the Marine Corps “bases itself on dehumanization and subjugation and abuse of its lower enlisted in order for it… Continue reading
Is this another example of why contracting out our military is a bad idea?
Question by prekinpdx: Is this another example of why contracting out our military is a bad idea?
Military contractor KBR has racked up a record of endangering the lives of U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq. Over the… Continue reading
I’m considering signing up for the military, what branch would best be suited for me?
Question by Hope D: I’m considering signing up for the military, what branch would best be suited for me?
I’m a 24 y/o female. I’m currently in college and will graduate by the end of next spring. I was… Continue reading