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Tajikistan. Terrorists destroy military column in Rasht region

Russian TV report: News about the shelling of the military column and the death of 23 servicemen are broad-casted on all TV channels in Tajikistan. Today the Ministry of Defense has officially declared that the attack in Tajikistan was made… Continue reading

War is good for business ,Military Industrial Complex

War profiteers The destruction of Iraq ,Afghanistan and Palestinians by the US , Israel military has been a boon to weapons manufacturers like Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, and Boeing, who depend on the Pentagon — and a robust military budget — to… Continue reading

Is My Ex’s Private Military Contractor Company Stalking Me at My Storage Unit? Part 1

This video shows my ex’s aircraft and the “UAV/drone” that he uses to engage in his false flag domestic terrorism organized crime stalking private snitch network campaign. It also provides evidence of loud vehicle harassment on the street outside this… Continue reading

Why do athletes, movie stars and music “artists” get pay more money than the military soldier/marine?

Question by Nathaniel A: Why do athletes, movie stars and music “artists” get pay more money than the military soldier/marine?
I been wondering on how athletes and people in TV make more money than the average Freedom Defender…. i… Continue reading

Q&A: military medical physician question?

Question by DBlack: military medical physician question?
Will military physicians pull previous medical records and check for pre existing conditions when treating a soldier for a condition that may have been a pre enlistment disqualifier to see… Continue reading