What careers can i excel in with a major in international business?
Question by jazzlander: What careers can i excel in with a major in international business?
I love world culture ! The architecture, the music, the languages, the histories. I want to know what i can offer the… Continue reading
Reds face major test in ’Saders showdown
Calamagrostis stricta
Image by Matt Lavin
Calamagrostis stricta is the grass in the center with narrow or contracted spikes and that forms dense stands.
Reds face major test in ’Saders showdown
SYDNEY — The Reds face a major test of… Continue reading
what jobs caN i get doing something in music? and what should i major in?
Question by BLEACHBLONDE311: what jobs caN i get doing something in music? and what should i major in?
i want a job touring or promoting music.
Best answer:
Answer by DEE W
Music teacher.… Continue reading
Q&A: What types of jobs could i get with a Major of Music Management and Merchandising?
Question by ilovetherain64: What types of jobs could i get with a Major of Music Management and Merchandising?
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Taking online classes what is a good major for this career?
Question by LataHarris: Taking online classes what is a good major for this career?
I am desperate to work in the music industry. So I decided that I will work a 9-5, do online courses and working… Continue reading