Latest Music Licensing News
The KARAOKE Channel Adds the Magic of Disney to Its Song Library
MONTREAL, QUEBEC–(Marketwire – 12/15/10) – The KARAOKE Channel, a property of Stingray Digital, is thrilled to announce that it has finalized an agreement with Walt Disney Records to… Continue reading
Latest Music Licensing News
Go Home Already: Get In The Spirit
coolsneakers2000 . Big news out of the Washington Post’s newsroom this afternoon: fashion writer Robin Givhan and art critic Blake Gopnik are both leaving the paper, reports Michael Calderone. Marion Barry’s paycheck will… Continue reading
Is it legal to play popular music in a public place without any licensing?
Question by Seciden Mencarde: Is it legal to play popular music in a public place without any licensing?
I was going for a dual meaning: is it legal to perform popular music (covers) in public without… Continue reading
How do I remove the licensing on Windows Media protected music files?
Question by Me: How do I remove the licensing on Windows Media protected music files?
Best answer:
Answer by B-rad
Sorry mate, i dont think u can
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Wmode and StreamWIDE Form Licensing Partnership
Wmode and StreamWIDE Form Licensing Partnership
CALGARY, ALBERTA–(Marketwire – Dec. 9, 2010) – Wmode, provider of managed services such as Smart Portal, App Store, Media Store, and Mobile Payment solutions under the ClearMode® brand has licensed StreamWIDE’s next generation technology… Continue reading