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License for Copyright Music/Material for Youtube?

Question by DS[:: License for Copyright Music/Material for Youtube?
A friend of mine wants to be a partner on Youtube, in which he talks in his video, but he does have a couple clips from shows, to refer whatever… Continue reading

Music licensing- Shouldn’t there be only one kind of license?

Question by Maaka: Music licensing- Shouldn’t there be only one kind of license?

Best answer:

Answer by tellme.lies
Yes there should be.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Music promotional business license in Tokyo Japan.?

Question by Something strange going on!: Music promotional business license in Tokyo Japan.?
Hello! I have a small promotions company that I am looking to take over to Tokyo to promote some American artists. I am trying to find… Continue reading

Do I need to get a business license to have people pay to record music in my bedroom studio?

Question by Kidd L: Do I need to get a business license to have people pay to record music in my bedroom studio?
I have a spare bedroom that I’ve set up to be my own recording studio. If… Continue reading

Q&A: Do I need another music license to distribute my new CD online?

Question by guy: Do I need another music license to distribute my new CD online?
My new CD is ready for release and distribution. I obtained all mechanical licenses necessary. I would like to distribute it digitally (on iTunes,… Continue reading