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ETHIOPIAN-HEBREW SOVEREIGNTY Drivers License & Rastafari Name Change_NEW.mp4

SUBSCRIBE Today! Give Thanks! Members Log-in: lionofjuda.ning.com ETHIOPIAN-HEBREW DIASPORA BLOG EthiopianWorldFederation.ning.com & Order many RARE & INFORMATIVE DVDs http AKA SOVEREIGNTY & so-called “African-American BLACKS” by Ras Iadonis Tafari responds to the inquiry of a subscriber regarding the Government “granted… Continue reading

Laws on using copyrighted music without a license in a arcade business?

Question by MatthewM: Laws on using copyrighted music without a license in a arcade business?
Is it illegal to make a arcade game with copyrighted music that you don’t have the licenses to use and charge money to play?… Continue reading

Q&A: How do i get the license to music that will be used in my schoo’ls dvd yearbook?

Question by hiSTORYie: How do i get the license to music that will be used in my schoo’ls dvd yearbook?
This year my school is doing a dvd yearbook. I wanted to know how to get the licenses for… Continue reading

how do i use limewire legally for music download if all the search results dont display any type of license?

Question by papasito: how do i use limewire legally for music download if all the search results dont display any type of license?
i used to have limewire basic in my old pc and… Continue reading

Q&A: Do you need a license to take a boat onto a lake or canal or if not license do you need a contract/agreement?

Question by crazy…: Do you need a license to take a boat onto a lake or canal or if not license do you need a contract/agreement?
I just wondered since I am considering buying a small rowing boat is… Continue reading