how do i use limewire legally for music download if all the search results dont display any type of license?
Question by papasito: how do i use limewire legally for music download if all the search results dont display any type of license?
i used to have limewire basic in my old pc and… Continue reading
Q&A: Can I deduct business expenses incurred from before my LLC is legally formed?
Question by LTR: Can I deduct business expenses incurred from before my LLC is legally formed?
I have been doing contract work for a couple weeks and just recently paid LegalZoom to form my LLC. Since the LLC’s finalization… Continue reading
Q&A: Is it legally allowed to agree mobile phone contract without signing the agreement?
Question by Scorpion360: Is it legally allowed to agree mobile phone contract without signing the agreement?
One day I got agreement letter asking for my signature to upgrade my mobile phone contract (with condition of 18 months)… Continue reading
Do “I agree” check boxes on websites form a legally binding contract?
Question by lairdpleng: Do “I agree” check boxes on websites form a legally binding contract?
I believe that checking “I agree” to the therms and conditions on a website enters you into a legally binding contract, much in the… Continue reading
Describe the elements required to form a binding contract. Explain how a legally binding contract can be creat
Question by bnheavies904: Describe the elements required to form a binding contract. Explain how a legally binding contract can be creat
Describe the elements required to form a binding contract. Explain how a legally binding contract can be created… Continue reading