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Such thing as Contact Violation Laws in music Biz?

Question by misso: Such thing as Contact Violation Laws in music Biz?
Question. I worked with someone I knew for years in the music industry. He introduced one of his good friends to me to create a… Continue reading

BUSINESS LAWS & CONTRACTS: What r the characteristics of corporations?

Question by JolieBelle_158: BUSINESS LAWS & CONTRACTS: What r the characteristics of corporations?

Best answer:

Answer by Sandy
You’ll find the answers here:,articleId-21191.html

What do you think? Answer below!

Laws on using copyrighted music without a license in a arcade business?

Question by MatthewM: Laws on using copyrighted music without a license in a arcade business?
Is it illegal to make a arcade game with copyrighted music that you don’t have the licenses to use and charge money to play?… Continue reading

BUSINESS LAWS & CONTRACTS: What r the procedures for mergers & consolidations?

Question by phuonganh_dethuong158: BUSINESS LAWS & CONTRACTS: What r the procedures for mergers & consolidations?

Best answer:

Answer by ash m
evaluation and diligence of the target, legal negotiation, legal compliance and regulatory process, merger, post… Continue reading

Music Copyright Laws. NEED HELP?

Question by Blip: Music Copyright Laws. NEED HELP?
I wanted to build a website and use a song, I really like, for the webpage. I’m worried about getting into trouble for using the song without permission.… Continue reading