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Jason Flom on Why 360 Deals Are Good for Major Labels

In a short question-and-answer session at a meeting of the American Bar Association in 2007, Jason Flom, CEO of Capitol Music Group, discusses so-called “360 deals” and why companies like his are increasingly exploring such contracts as an alternative… Continue reading

any record labels in los angeles california?

Question by gottadance162: any record labels in los angeles california?
to work for them . i need a couple best record labels companies?

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Answer by walterplittle
Sometimes record labels post open positions on craigslist. Of… Continue reading

What are the main differences between major and independent record labels?

Question by Lewis: What are the main differences between major and independent record labels?
Such as between Warner Music Group + Warp Records?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.

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Are there any good independent record labels based out of Columbus, Ohio?

Question by Stephen: Are there any good independent record labels based out of Columbus, Ohio?
I have recently been shopping around my demo, and I would like to start off somewhere close to where I am from.… Continue reading

What are some country record labels that accept demos?

Question by Sarabeth Kathryn: What are some country record labels that accept demos?
I sing country music and everyone says I am SO good. I want to be a country singer. I write my own music and play guitar.… Continue reading