What does a horse purchasing contract include?
Question by Lotus Blossom: What does a horse purchasing contract include?
I am purchasing a horse from overseas. I want to have a vet check for soundness before the horse goes to quarantine where he will be… Continue reading
Jack Ely, former Kingsmen, sings LOUIE LOUIE to horse
Jack Ely, the original vocalist with the Kingmen, sings LOUIE LOUIE to his horse at his Oregon ranch. The Kingsmen’s version of this song sold millions of records, provoked an FBI investigation over the supposedly obscene lyrics, and inspired countless… Continue reading
how do I make a contract for a horse lease & hold harmless agreement?
Question by Jill: how do I make a contract for a horse lease & hold harmless agreement?
I need to make a contract for half lease on my horses & also a hold harmless agreement for other people that… Continue reading
Color: Trojan horse photo startup
Color: Trojan horse photo startup
What likely lies behind Bill Nguyen’s whimsical new iPhone app
Read more on CNN Money
Patriettes’ goal: make patriotism sexy again
PINUP PATRIETTES: The Pinup Patriettes are women who dress and look like vintage 1940s… Continue reading
Horse Master with Julie Goodnight 219 “Rearing to Go” Opening Segment, Oregon Opening Sample
This isjust a clip–see the whole show on RFD-TV. We apologize that our contract with the station prevents us from posting the entire show. Horse Master airs each Wednesday at 5:30 EST. Find out more about Julie Goodnight’s “Classic Skills… Continue reading