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Monday Night Raw – Stone Cold Steve Austion W/ Vince McMahon & Bret Hart Contract Signing!!

3-15-10 – Stone Cold Steve Austion oversees the contract signing for the match between Vince McMahon and Bret Hart!

Stone Cold Steve Austin on WWE Raw – Bret Hart and Mr McMahons contract signing 15-03-2010 FULL Stone Cold Steve Austin on WWE Raw – Bret Hart and Mr McMahons contract signing 15-03-2010 FULL Get FREE Phone Number Detector! @ http Disclaimer: WE DON’T OWN THIS VIDEO No copyright infringement intended. This Video is belong to… Continue reading

WWE Raw 3/15/10 Bret Hart & Vince McMahon Contract Sign In Part 1/2

WWE Raw 3/15/10 Bret Hart & Vince McMahon Contract Sign In Part 1/2 With Stone Cold
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