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Vanderlande Industries Wins Major Baggage Handling Contract at JFK Airport

Unite Here Local 2 hotel workers protest for a fair contract at the Westin St Francis
Image by Steve Rhodes

Facebook group

The union told KTVU 92 people were arrested

Photos from the march launching the campaign… Continue reading

Q&A: trading music at internet ,needs copyright handling. how can i deal with all these music companies?

Question by nico g: trading music at internet ,needs copyright handling. how can i deal with all these music companies?
how about the not-anymore-existing-ones? should i better find a good lawyer to advise me , instead?
i am aiming… Continue reading

Please explain when and why MCA (Music Corp. of America) stopped handling artist management.?

Question by Bounty Hunter: Please explain when and why MCA (Music Corp. of America) stopped handling artist management.?
At one time MCA represented artist along with have a record company to exploit them on. At some… Continue reading