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Hitman – Ghost Story

This is a story about the ghost in Hitman Contracts. Mixed with some cool music from Requiem For A Dream. This movie was made by Keule (someone who doesn’t visit where I found this movie anymore, you may contact him… Continue reading

Sony Music Exec Admits He Made ‘Radical Decision’ in Hiring Amanda Ghost

Color Of The Moon 宣傳短片
online music promotion
Image by S/L

Sony Music Exec Admits He Made ‘Radical Decision’ in Hiring Amanda Ghost
Shirley Halperin Fired after just 20 months at the helm of Epic and tagged with destroying the label, one source… Continue reading

Hitman Contracts Creepy Music (Beldingford Manor and Ghost Room)

The two creepy ambient tracks that I remember most from the Beldingford Manor and the ghostly area in the Thermal Bath Hotel. Enjoy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5