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Q&A: List of FTC / Gov against RIAA Music Companies for Price Fixing, Payola, Collusion, etc.?

Question by Shi Tao Jailed because of Yahoo!: List of FTC / Gov against RIAA Music Companies for Price Fixing, Payola, Collusion, etc.?
Is there a site that has a comprehensive list of Government actions against the RIAA member… Continue reading

Q&A: Once again Donald Fehr doesn’t care about fixing the steroid problem? I suppose this is the Yankees Fault?->?

Question by scooter_the_squirrel_agent: Once again Donald Fehr doesn’t care about fixing the steroid problem? I suppose this is the Yankees Fault?->?
Read this latest nonsense that Fehr said concerning the Steroid controversy.

Donald Fehr says union won’t reveal names of 103 players who failed drug test in 2003


Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Monday,… Continue reading