Where can I find example or template “Rent-to-Own”/”Lease-to-home” housing contracts?
Question by Steve A: Where can I find example or template “Rent-to-Own”/”Lease-to-home” housing contracts?
A good friend of mine has a house. She wants to rent and sell, but a possible tenant is interested in a… Continue reading
Where can I find an example of an agreement between my company and a company overseas?
Question by ThE eNd: Where can I find an example of an agreement between my company and a company overseas?
I have an s-corp in california and i need to subcontract work to a company outside of us. i… Continue reading
How much do artist get to do sketch cards? Any company lets say Topps company for example? ?
Question by pboozer57: How much do artist get to do sketch cards? Any company lets say Topps company for example? ?
say an artist does 300 sketches how much will he/she get paid? I understand that they are under… Continue reading
Where can I find an example of an agreement between my company and a company overseas?
Question by ThE eNd: Where can I find an example of an agreement between my company and a company overseas?
I have an s-corp in california and i need to subcontract work to a company outside… Continue reading
If you were rich beyond belief, what would be the one “crazy” indulgence you would do…For example……
Question by finest_man_in_fl: If you were rich beyond belief, what would be the one “crazy” indulgence you would do…For example……
You know how music stars might have in their contract that their dressing room be pink… Continue reading