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Elma Board Postpones Action on Housing Plan

Elma Board Postpones Action on Housing Plan
Although Town of Elma public officials often decry a lack of affordable senior housing opportunities available in town and the adjacent area, any action to get the ball rolling and construct such housing… Continue reading

Elma Board Postpones Action on Housing Plan

Elma Board Postpones Action on Housing Plan
Although Town of Elma public officials often decry a lack of affordable senior housing opportunities available in town and the adjacent area, any action to get the ball rolling and construct such housing… Continue reading

Elma Approves Permits for JPS Labs, Made In America Store

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Image by dangerismycat

Elma Approves Permits for JPS Labs, Made In America Store
Members of the Elma Town Board voted unanimously on Jan. 19 to approve a business use permit for JPS Labs, LLC at 7601 Seneca St. The… Continue reading

Elma Residents Plan to Buy Continental Building

Elma Residents Plan to Buy Continental Building
Two local residents are expected to be the new owners of the industrial building in Elma that was once the home of Motorola and Continental Automotive Systems. The buyers’ early plans are to… Continue reading

Elma Residents Plan to Buy Continental Building

Elma Residents Plan to Buy Continental Building
Two local residents are expected to be the new owners of the industrial building in Elma that was once the home of Motorola and Continental Automotive Systems. The buyers’ early plans are to… Continue reading