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Illuminati, Hip Hop & 2Pac’s Murder – Part 6 (EarthlasthopeRevived)

(Video created by YouTuber EarthlasthopeRevived) The Music Industry is one of the most potent weapons used by the Elite. It it used to condition, brain-wash and manipulate the general public. Many artists are mere puppets in this game, being used… Continue reading

Illuminati, Hip Hop & 2Pac’s Murder – Part 1 (EarthlasthopeRevived)

(Video created by YouTuber EarthlasthopeRevived) The Music Industry is one of the most potent weapons used by the Elite. It it used to condition, brain-wash and manipulate the general public. Many artists are mere puppets in this game, being used… Continue reading

Illuminati, Hip Hop & 2Pac’s Murder – Part 2 (EarthlasthopeRevived)

(Video created by YouTuber EarthlasthopeRevived) The Music Industry is one of the most potent weapons used by the Elite. It it used to condition, brain-wash and manipulate the general public. Many artists are mere puppets in this game, being used… Continue reading

Illuminati, Hip Hop & 2Pac’s Murder – Part 5 (EarthlasthopeRevived)

(Video created by YouTuber EarthlasthopeRevived) The Music Industry is one of the most potent weapons used by the Elite. It it used to condition, brain-wash and manipulate the general public. Many artists are mere puppets in this game, being used… Continue reading