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what jobs caN i get doing something in music? and what should i major in?

Question by BLEACHBLONDE311: what jobs caN i get doing something in music? and what should i major in?
i want a job touring or promoting music.

Best answer:

Answer by DEE W
Music teacher.… Continue reading

US slaps sanctions on state-owned Venezuela oil firm for doing business with Iran

US slaps sanctions on state-owned Venezuela oil firm for doing business with Iran
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration hit seven foreign companies Tuesday, including Venezuela’s state-owned oil company and an Israeli shipping firm, with sanctions for doing business with Iran… Continue reading

Most celebrities who are doing a movie shooting on location or musicians who tour….?

Question by theartisttwin: Most celebrities who are doing a movie shooting on location or musicians who tour….?
Have a list of things in their contract that they would like constantly available to them such as certain foods,… Continue reading

Q&A: If a government bars a foreign trader from doing business with govt contracts… is it a protectionism?

business contracts
by GovWin

Question by Derrick: If a government bars a foreign trader from doing business with govt contracts… is it a protectionism?
More specifically: Is a WTO member nation considered a protectionist when it makes a law that mandates… Continue reading

Why is Satrbucks doing a promotion of Paul McCartney?

Question by magpie: Why is Satrbucks doing a promotion of Paul McCartney?
I’m sure he is a good guy and I agree with his social causes but shouldn’t they try to promote young, unwealthy bands, rather… Continue reading