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MLC-based NAND SSDs Result In 50% Price Reduction; Cost Differential Viewed As Major Market Catalyst By Deutsche Bank VP

MLC-based NAND SSDs Result In 50% Price Reduction; Cost Differential Viewed As Major Market Catalyst By Deutsche Bank VP
67 WALL STREET, New York – May 2, 2011 – The Wall Street Transcript has just published its Data Hosting Centers… Continue reading

Deutsche Bank, Disney, Goldman, Glaxo, BP, Mylan, Savvis in Court News

SEIU Wisconsin Director Pete Hanrahan.
contract agreement
Image by SEIU Local 1
The Local 1 bargaining team had just reached a tentative agreement. Hanrahan gave a rally speech on the bigger fights ahead.

"The janitors at 789 don’t have a new contract.… Continue reading

Tales of the Past 3 – Teil 9/9 – (deutsche Untertitel)

Tales of the Past von Martin Falch. INFO: The last song was slaughtered by WMG! They do not understand that FAIR USED! Music on YouTube is one of the best and cheapest ways of music promotion. I have replaced the… Continue reading

29.11.2010 – PRESS RELEASE: DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft: DEAG Classics AG sets up open-air opera …

music drive
music distribution
Image by [salsus]
I just think this is kinda funny

29.11.2010 – PRESS RELEASE: DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft: DEAG Classics AG sets up open-air opera …
Taeglich aktuelle Nachrichten, Berichte, Analysen und Interviews zu aktuellen Themen an der… Continue reading