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You Can Depend On Me – This Is Dedicated To The One’s I Love – Lou

Hello Friends It’s been a while since i posted a new song, tonight i have recorded an old favourite of mine and it is dedicated to my beautiful children all 4 of them but especially the youngest 2 who you… Continue reading

Is it fair to depend on GPA when we apply medical school?

Question by ❤❀nana❀❤: Is it fair to depend on GPA when we apply medical school?
I am a little confused about that. We know some majors are easy to get A or B, but some are not, even hard… Continue reading

Lincoln County Christmas tree growers depend on immigrants

Lincoln County Christmas tree growers depend on immigrants
MERRILL — Mexican music blares from a small radio inside a Lincoln County floral warehouse as Ignacio Castillo, a native of Zacatecas, Mexico, twists fresh balsam fir branches onto a metal ring… Continue reading