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Why am i so damn depressed?

Question by Davis Girn: Why am i so damn depressed?
All I do is go to work, get up go to work, get up go to work for another 12 hours, 2 weeks later I get a… Continue reading

Victicrat (Damn it Feels Good to be a Victim)

Larry Elder Approves this Message: Featuring James “The ACORN Shaker” O’Keefe and Buddy Sosthand. Zo’s in there somewhere too! Link to download Victicrat: Visit PJTV.COM and crank up some conservative content with: Zo Bill Whittle Andrew Klavan Steven Crowder… Continue reading

I’m a songwriter. I have no money to record. How do I get a record contract with no money cos damn I’m good?

Question by johnny_v: I’m a songwriter. I have no money to record. How do I get a record contract with no money cos damn I’m good?
Everybody who hears me says I should be famous but I… Continue reading