GPO and FedEx Office Renew Agreement That Saves Taxpayer Money on Printing Costs
GPO and FedEx Office Renew Agreement That Saves Taxpayer Money on Printing Costs
The U.S. Government Printing Office and FedEx Office , an operating company of FedEx Corp. , have renewed their public-private agreement that will provide federal agencies discounted… Continue reading
7 Ways to Cut Costs without Firing Your Employees
“Jelly Roll” Morton
Image by dbking
1211 U St. NW
Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton (October 20, 1890 – July 10, 1941) was an American virtuoso pianist, a bandleader, and a composer who some call the first true composer of jazz… Continue reading
In an artist management agreement, should the manager be receiving commission for recording costs?
Question by piccola_tesora91: In an artist management agreement, should the manager be receiving commission for recording costs?
Best answer:
Answer by KlemKiddleHopper
Recording COSTS are just that a cost
Absolutely NO commission is based on a… Continue reading