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Can you “own the copyrights” for music?

Question by pinacoladaxb: Can you “own the copyrights” for music?
I found this on YouTube:

Who qualifies for partnership?
To become a partner, you need to meet these criteria:
You create original videos suitable for online… Continue reading


Question by Reya: Copyrights?
Hey, I was wondering:
Who is it that copyrights music. The FBI? Or are there certain companies, like publishing houses? Or does the music get copyrighted by the studios? Also, for videos + movies, why… Continue reading

Do record companies, or the artists own the actual copyrights to the music?

Question by AL: Do record companies, or the artists own the actual copyrights to the music?
And if it is the companies that own the copyrights, then doesn’t that contradict the whole point of copyrights anyway? Like… Continue reading

Who own music copyrights?

Question by Akacae: Who own music copyrights?
Is it the record company the artist signed a contract with or the actual artists them selves that own the song as well as the copyrights to it?

Best answer:… Continue reading

Q&A: If a record company goes out of business completely, what happens to copyrights?

Question by Joel Z: If a record company goes out of business completely, what happens to copyrights?
There is a fairly obscure band that I know of, and a non-band related person put some of their music… Continue reading