how would i go about contacting audtions and recording producers in the music industry.?
Question by ms_dj2dapoint: how would i go about contacting audtions and recording producers in the music industry.?
my point is i would like to audtion or would like to submit my talents, example,,,russell simmoms defjam comdey slots,… Continue reading
Do I need to get an agent or manager before contacting record companies?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
Question by lightninroxmysox: Do I need to get an agent or manager before contacting record companies?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
I’m getting into the country music business and I was wondering if I should get an agent or manager before sending anything to… Continue reading
how would i go about contacting audtions and recording producers in the music industry.?
Question by ms_dj2dapoint: how would i go about contacting audtions and recording producers in the music industry.?
my point is i would like to audtion or would like to submit my talents, example,,,russell simmoms defjam comdey slots, or to… Continue reading