Best Jobs: UC San Diego Study Reveals Top Ten Hot Careers for College Graduates
Best Jobs: UC San Diego Study Reveals Top Ten Hot Careers for College Graduates
In a graduation season of high unemployment rates, a new career path study from the University of California San Diego Extension reveals some of the hottest… Continue reading
Something to think about-Which college?
Question by Rayne: Something to think about-Which college?
I had been going to a community college for about 2 years and became very unhappy with the situation. I signed up for FAFSA with that comm. college. About a week… Continue reading
Q&A: Are there jobs for music critics and if so what do u have to major in at college to be one because?
Question by ShullyR: Are there jobs for music critics and if so what do u have to major in at college to be one because?
I am thinking about being a music critic because I like music and look… Continue reading
College Classes for music producer/artist?
Question by Flawl3$$: College Classes for music producer/artist?
So i’m interested in becoming a music producer like making beats and what not. and was wondering if their is any classes you can take in college to learn… Continue reading
How does this college plan sound?
Question by Ella: How does this college plan sound?
I’m about to start my senior year of HS, and this is what I’m planning for my future:
Major in Psychology, Double Minor in History and Music at NYU, then… Continue reading