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I have a cleaning business ive been doin residential Im gettin into commercial. How do people get contracts?

Question by C.F maintenance: I have a cleaning business ive been doin residential Im gettin into commercial. How do people get contracts?
I want to try for the car dealerships and office buildings do I just walk in and… Continue reading Reviews Cleaning Bid Software CleanBid Reviews
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We Lose A Little On Every Cleaning Job…But Make It Up In VOLUME?! Ever heard the expression,’ We lose a little on every job…but make it up in VOLUME’?? It’s suppose to be funny – but, it’s not if you’re doing lots of work but end up making little or no profit.… Continue reading

For anyone in the cleaning business: How do you begin obtaining contracts to clean for businesses?

Question by butrflywngs: For anyone in the cleaning business: How do you begin obtaining contracts to clean for businesses?
Doctors offices, etc. I rarely see anything in the newspapers for this…but I know the demand has to exist. Where… Continue reading

I want to start a office cleaning business is there a web sight were i can get all of my questions answed?

Question by Happy Girl: I want to start a office cleaning business is there a web sight were i can get all of my questions answed?
For example: contracts, any type of forms.

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