I entered into an agreement, it’s not called a contract. This agreement states that I will teach for 10 month?
Question by dianne s: I entered into an agreement, it’s not called a contract. This agreement states that I will teach for 10 month?
but get paid over a 12 month period. If I leave my job,… Continue reading
A Tribe Called Quest – 1nce Again
See Music Videos www.bvmtv.com that you CAN’T See on You Tube! even some X RATED music videos! +Live Chat and Embed video codes. Q-Tip and Phife were childhood friends and had grown up together in St. Albans, Queens. The pair… Continue reading
A Tribe Called Quest – Check The Rhime
Check The Rhime (CDS) – JDJ CD 284 ©Jive 1991 – It is the lead single from ATCQ’s second album, The Low End Theory, released in 1991. Based on an Average White Band’s sample (Love Your Life), it is one… Continue reading
R&P: Is asking for somebody’s opinion about your music called “personal site promotion?”?
Question by Johnny Bliss: R&P: Is asking for somebody’s opinion about your music called “personal site promotion?”?
So yeah, I asked if people would like to hear my new album that came out, and now it’s been… Continue reading
Q&A: What is wrong with my resume, I never get called for and interview?
Question by Shar: What is wrong with my resume, I never get called for and interview?
Here is my resume, Do you see anything wrong? I didn’t put my name address ect. to conceal my identity… Continue reading