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The new local crime boss realizes his municpality is bust

The newly-elected-replacement-criminal from the other party realizes that the county he inherited is broke beyond repair. A broke Federal Government seeing a surf-bound-medieval-future can fund a “homeland security center.” Meanwhile the state government (New York State) has eyes on taking… Continue reading

Special report – California or bust

Special report – California or bust
By Nichola Groom
Read more on Reuters via Yahoo! Malaysia News

Auto company leaders of different stripes
After several years of turbulence, the fate of the Detroit Three is now in the hands of… Continue reading

Playboy’s TV Woes Make Deep Financial Bust

Playboy’s TV Woes Make Deep Financial Bust
Classic men’s magazine Playboy is to unwind its TV deals in the US and focus on licensing its world-famous name to return to profits, CEO Scott Flanders said Tuesday.