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GENERAL MUSIC INDUSTRY: Rockethub CO-Founders Brian Meece and Vlad Vukicevic on Branding Partnerships

GENERAL MUSIC INDUSTRY: Rockethub CO-Founders Brian Meece and Vlad Vukicevic on Branding Partnerships
About two weeks ago, we tipped you off to the existence of Rockethub’s inaugural Launchpad Opportunity, a branded competition of sorts featuring Gibson. With just a few… Continue reading

“The Two Cooks” on Branding and music – Keynote speakers with a difference!

Phil Hawthorn discusses branding with Peter Cook, author of ‘Sex, Leadership and Rock’n’Roll – The Two Cooks provide keynote speeches and corporate experiences that blend business, personal development, cookery and music for a heady cocktail which stays with the audience… Continue reading