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Homework – Business – Contracts -bilateral or a unilateral contract?

Question by bj_osterhout: Homework – Business – Contracts -bilateral or a unilateral contract?
“Mary contacts Joe, who does lawn maintence work, and makes the following offferL “After my lawn is mowed, I’ll pay you $ 25.” Joe repsonds by… Continue reading

how to make a bilateral contract?

Question by Chesser: how to make a bilateral contract?
ok, im trying to make a contract, but im completely lost, can someone direct to a template or something where i can get started????

Best answer:

Answer by sarasvah… Continue reading

Consider the differences between the bilateral contract and the unilateral contract.?

Question by abhuskey: Consider the differences between the bilateral contract and the unilateral contract.?
In the bilateral contract, we have the offeror willing to exchange a promise for another promise (“I promise to pay you $ 1500.00,… Continue reading