What’s the best course?
Question by rex: What’s the best course?
I’m about to graduate next year, and up to now, I’m just not really sure what I want. Basically, I think there are just two courses for me: liberal arts or management.… Continue reading
What’s the best unlocked, quad-band world phone?
Question by Dalija D.: What’s the best unlocked, quad-band world phone?
I’m from the USA and I need to find an unlocked, quad-band phone without contract that i can use while i go to europe this summer.… Continue reading
Can I add music to this phone that’s on sale at Best Buy?
Question by Joshua D: Can I add music to this phone that’s on sale at Best Buy?
The phone is called a Virgin Mobile-Kyocera Jax.Is it possible to add music to it?It also says that it has… Continue reading
What’s the best music production software?
Question by Kris K: What’s the best music production software?
I’m looking to find the best music production software available.
Please put the software name and/or link. I’ll also highly appreciate it if you already have it and will… Continue reading