Ooh Child by the Five Stairsteps – First T-Shirt Gift Away by Giftatee.com
Welcome to the first T-shirt Gift Away by Giftatee.com. Giftatee.com is not a non for profit org., it is a US based business that gives a percentage of its earnings to charity. The concept is simple, for every T-shirt sold,… Continue reading
Q&A: Can I be sued for starting my own business and stealing away contracts from my former empoyer?
Question by True2it: Can I be sued for starting my own business and stealing away contracts from my former empoyer?
I am in a specialized field of science and my employer is a government contractor. There… Continue reading
TECHNOLOGY: The Great Migration Away from Limewire Begins
TECHNOLOGY: The Great Migration Away from Limewire Begins
LimeWire has been ordered to shut down. The RIAA will now seek damages upwards of $ 1 billion. They estimate that LimeWire costs the record labels $ 500 million in lost music… Continue reading