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Is there an average agreed-upon time for exclusive performance/recording of commissioned pieces?

Question by petr b: Is there an average agreed-upon time for exclusive performance/recording of commissioned pieces?
I recall pianist John Browning had exclusive use of the Barber piano concerto for five years. I believe that was an… Continue reading

How many music cassettes did the average person have in their collection during the 1980s?

Question by Andy: How many music cassettes did the average person have in their collection during the 1980s?
I am curious as to how many music cassettes a typical American had in their collection during the 1980s. I seem… Continue reading

Will the average record company accept self produced music to satisfy a contract?

Question by Dylan: Will the average record company accept self produced music to satisfy a contract?
If I have already landed a record contract. I ask because I’m a currently unsigned, but touring leader of my band. (Yep, the… Continue reading

What Is The Average Annual Income Of Music/Record Producers?

Question by Eddu: What Is The Average Annual Income Of Music/Record Producers?
Hey guys I’m 16 years old and I’m trying to figure out what to do with my life -_-‘ so I’ve have to choose between Orthodontist or… Continue reading