What is the steps and cost associated with a copyright on Artwork or an Illustration?
Question by fletcherspub: What is the steps and cost associated with a copyright on Artwork or an Illustration?
I have a idea for controversial political bumper sticker, and I know it will do great on the market. What would… Continue reading
What jobs are out there that are associated with music?
Question by Kyle22: What jobs are out there that are associated with music?
Ok so im 16, two more years of high school left and im curious about what i want to be when i get older. Im very… Continue reading
Q&A: Where can i find a free download for contracts associated with the music business?
Question by JAY: Where can i find a free download for contracts associated with the music business?
Investor and Record Company
Best answer:
Answer by Tara P
I picked up a great book at Amazon, called… Continue reading