What is the steps and cost associated with a copyright on Artwork or an Illustration?
Question by fletcherspub: What is the steps and cost associated with a copyright on Artwork or an Illustration?
I have a idea for controversial political bumper sticker, and I know it will do great on the market. What would… Continue reading
Q&A: does anyone know how to get free licensed music with album artwork?
Question by lexx: does anyone know how to get free licensed music with album artwork?
i tried to download music using imesh but I cant get the music i want imported into my i-pod because supposively i… Continue reading
Artist, who uses contrasts in his artwork?
Question by cool_17: Artist, who uses contrasts in his artwork?
Can you let me know any artist you know who uses contract (can be either color or the topic itself) in their artworks? Thank you!
Best answer:… Continue reading
What contract would I need to own the rights to use artwork that I’ve purchased for commercial use?
Question by bwh: What contract would I need to own the rights to use artwork that I’ve purchased for commercial use?
I’ve commissioned an artist to draw several drawings for me. I would like to know… Continue reading
Copyright for album artwork?
Question by Cami F: Copyright for album artwork?
I have images in mind I would like to use for a music album I will self-producing. Pending that these parties who the pictures (drawings) belong to (one is an artist… Continue reading